Helmets To Hardhats
Helmets to Hardhats (H2H) Canada is a registered non-profit organization that has been providing second career opportunities within Canada’s Building Trade Unions to the military-affiliated community for over a decade. They ensure the military community is connected to careers with the best industry wages, benefits and pension plans. At the same time, Canada’s Unions and employers receive highly motivated, trained and dedicated employees to add to their workforce. H2H is recognized as a leading service provider by the Government of Ontario, the Canadian Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs Canada.
Click the link below to learn more about Helmets to Hardhats

Created by Central Ontario Building Trades (COBT) and their affiliates, Hammer Heads is a community-based program aimed at bringing key industry partners together with the common goal of breaking down barriers and providing access to life-changing career opportunities in construction which were previously inaccessible.
Click the link below to learn more about the COBT HammerHeads Program.