TSSA Safety Issue with Smartrise SRA Controller Door Zone

Industry: Elevating Devices

Category: TSSA News

Dec 13, 2024

During a Category 5 (CAT5) safety test on a traction elevator equipped with a Smartrise SRA (V3 Cedes) controller, SRA with CEDES Absolute Positioning System, and a single door zone sensor, a potential safety concern was identified:

  1. The single door zone signal can fail, and the elevator may run with the doors open.
  2. Unintended car motion will not be detected as the system believes the elevator is always within a door zone. Further testing of the Unintended Car Movement Protection revealed that the car could drift 2438 mm (6-8 ft.) before stopping and does not meet the maximum 1220 mm (48 in.) required by Unintended Car Movement Protection.
  3. No injuries were reported. 

Smartrise has issued a mandatory Technical Service Bulletin – TSB-0016 on December 10, 2024. TSSA is actively working with Smartrise to identify and implement a solution to address this issue.

TSSA is developing a Director’s Safety Order, planned for dissemination in early 2025 to recommend appropriate corrective actions. Industry consultation will follow.